Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sarah Reads and Swims

We've wanted to see Sarah read and swim and she's making progress on both fronts.

This week at Sarah's school there have been progress reports. I met with Sarah's teachers yesterday. They were quite positive and had no problems to report. Sarah is making progress in reading, trying several strategies when speaking unfamiliar words, and she's doing well with maths. Her word scores have improved 300% since she was first measured.

Her class keeps reading logs, and we as parents need to keep better track of the reading she's doing at home. Sarah's handwriting also needs practice. She still writes in all capital letters and occasionally some letters and numbers are reversed.

Sarah can now read books mostly by herself with a little help, provided they're simple books - a few lines per page and simple enough words.

We're happy with her progress and we look forward to the day when she is reading by herself. This is mostly for selfish reasons as our favourite pasttime is lying about and reading and trying to keep Sarah from pestering us, so when she's reading on her own, we can all hang out more harmoniously ;) .

Sarah's had slower progress with swimming. When we moved to Ipswich, we signed her up for a "ducklings" course for first-time swimmers. She's on her fourth ducklings course now. For quite a while, she would avoid getting her face wet. I did some work with her in the pool getting her face wet by degrees, but we saw a complete change recently. Now she gleefully dunks her head in and fans about in the water. But her next challenge is to get her feet off the bottom of the pool. Sometimes she can get her body mostly horizontal, but often it's her torso flat, then legs going straight down. And then she needs to regulate her breathing so she can travel further than a single breath ... but that will come soon enough.


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