Sunday, February 25, 2007

Day Trip and Other News

Yesterday after Sarah's swim class we drove to nearby Bury St. Edmunds to explore a bit and have lunch. The city is smaller than Ipswich but still quite sizeable. We mostly walked its high streets.

This church and the building below it seemed to be the architectural highlights of the city.

This afternoon Sarah had another birthday party to attend. Her social life is more active than either of her parents'. She wore a pirate costume, given a choice (in the invitation) between that and a princess outfit, so with Margo's help they came up with a costume from found materials. Kids' birthday parties follow a cultural pattern, and costumes are a part of it; maybe Margo can write more about it since she's made several deliveries to birthday parties so far.

But with Sarah occupied for a few hours in the afternoon, we had free time to ourselves, and thereby we had our first civilised, adult meal in the UK at a fine restaurant along the Ipswich waterfront. Finally, we have found a restaurant with food better than Margo's! I'm sure there are more in Ipswich; it's just that we haven't had the time to explore places with food that's nicer than chicken sticks, thanks to the plebian tastes of our third member.


Blogger Margo Nelson said...

BETTER than MINE?!!!

10:17 am  
Blogger DM3 said...

Margo! Can you believe the nerve of that Mike? After 8 months in England he reveals that all along he's been looking for a restaurant that has better food than his home. Hmph.

Sounds like a good day. Them European towns are so darn walkable.

Miss you guys

9:18 am  

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