Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hoping to Settle Soon

There hasn't been much news lately. It's more a calm-before-the-storm as we're waiting for some things to happen.

We put earnest money to let (rent) on a 3 bedroom semi-detached house in the California/Heath neighbourhood of Ipswich. References are in the process of being checked. We're also working to get Sarah enrolled in a neighbourhood school. We've already enrolled her in a swimming class. She'll be a Duckling starting this Saturday.

School starts next Tuesday for Sarah. It's unlikely we'll be in a house by then, so I'll probably be taking her. Our commute will look like this: bus to Colchester train station, 10-15 minutes, about £5 round trip; train from Colchester to Ipswich, about 15 minutes, about £10 round trip; and bus from the train station to her school, perhaps 20 minutes, £5 RT. In the meantime ... I'd probably hang out at coffee shops, the library, do research, whatever.

[I can write the pound symbol now ... ££££! The keyboard is a bit rearranged here; it took some getting used to. The shift key on the left is half-width because there's an extra key in that row, with the ~ and # on it. The Return key is also a bit further away so I kept mis-typing for a while. The £ is where the @ used to be; the @ is now above the ' on the adsf row. The " is above the 2; I can't remember what used to be there.]

Margo is mostly in training these days. Sarah and I stopped by her office and got a look-see and met some of her workmates (the city park is almost across the street, so it was easy to stop by). Today was training for driving; her driving test is Friday.

Sarah and I spend our days hanging out, watching TV, going to the library, going to the park, and getting lunches and snacks.

Yesterday about ten boxes from Portland arrived. Mostly clothes for Margo, though I was reunited with a rugby shirt, so now when you see me in pictures you'll recognize me better.

We're looking forward to getting settled, so that we can cook for ourselves and wash our own clothes and all that.


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